supplies the image producer when the button is to display an image.
If the ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlButtonModel::ImageURL points to the location of an
image to be displayed on the button, this interface can be used to retrieve an image
producer, which itself will supply the image.
Usually, a control belonging to the model will use this interface to obtain the
image to be painted
This property is meaningful only when ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlButtonModel::Toggle
is true. In this case, the DefaultState controls to which State the button will
be reset, when ::com::sun::star::form::XReset::reset is invoked.
For a given implementation of the interface, if this (optional) interface is present, then also the optional
property DefaultState must be present.
specifies the default toggle state for the button, used when it is reset.
This property is meaningful only when ::com::sun::star::awt::UnoControlButtonModel::Toggle
is true. In this case, the DefaultState controls to which State the button will
be reset.
For a given implementation of the interface, if this (optional) property is present, then also the optional
interface ::com::sun::star::form::XReset must be present.