REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub createColorSelectionBox
' create a new shape
xShape = thisComponent.createInstance( "" )
Dim aPos as new
aPos.X = 200
aPos.Y = 100
xShape.Position = aPos
Erase aPos
Dim aSize as new
aSize.Width = 2500
aSize.Height = 5000
xShape.Size = aSize
Erase aSize
' create a combo box model
xControlModel = thisComponent.createInstance( "" )
xControlModel.Name = "ColorSelection"
xControlModel.Text = "red"
' marry the shape and the model
xShape.Control = xControlModel
if ( 0 = thisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.getCount() ) Then
xForm = thisComponent.createInstance( "" )
xForm.Name = "SampleForm"
thisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.insertByIndex( 0, xForm )
End If
' insert the control model into the first form of the forms collection of the
' draw page of the document
thisComponent.DrawPage.Forms.getByIndex(0).insertByIndex( 0, xControlModel )
thisComponent.DrawPage.add( xShape )
End Sub
the container of all the top-level forms belonging to the component.